
Strength of
proven technology

Shree Steels, a renowned name in Nepal, is a fully Automatic System Plant, specializing in the manufacture of TMT bars that have been particularly designed to enhance the building strength of any structure and minimize the risk of destruction caused by earthquake.

The country that is more developed industrially only shows to the less developed, the image of its own future.

karl marx

We are the first brand in Nepal to source state-of-the-art technologies from Japan in the production of its TMT bars which gives it a clear edge among the competitors!



Created with
Expertise & Endurance

Shree Steels, a renowned name in Nepal, is a fully Automatic System Plant, specializing in the manufacture of TMT bars that have been particularly designed to enhance the building strength of any structure and minimize the risk of destruction caused by earthquake.



Strength of
proven technology


Strength of
proven technology

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